Conference/Seminar presentation materials
No. | Presenter | Presentation Title | Conference / Seminar | Date/Place |
1 | Noriko Katori | バイオアナリシスフォーラム(JBF)の設立と国際調和に向けての動き (Japanese) | Biomedical Analytical Sciences (BMAS) 2011 | Sep. 2011 / Tottori (Japan) |
2 | Yoshiaki Ohtsu | 生体試料中薬物濃度測定の規制をめぐる最近の動きについて (Japanese) | Waters Seminar | Nov. 2011 / Tokyo (Japan) |
3 | Shinobu Kudo | Introducing the Japan Bioanalysis Forum (JBF) | 4th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2011 / Barcelona (Spain) |
4 | Keiko Nakai | バイオアナリシスフォーラム(JBF)の取組みと世界的な動きについて (Japanese) | Waters Seminar | Sep. 2012 |
5 | Noriko Katori | 日本の BMV ガイドライン策定状況 (Japanese) | 20th Chromatography Symposium | June 2013 / Kobe (Japan) |
6 | Kazutaka Togashi | バイオアナリシス LC/MS/MS 定量におけるキャリーオーバーとその対策について (Japanese) | 20th Chromatography Symposium | June 2013 / Kobe (Japan) |
7 | Noriko Katori | Involvment in the Pharmacokinetics and the History of Rgulated Bioanalytics in Japan | Symposium 11 / 28th Annual meeting on the Japanses Sosiety for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) | Oct. 2013 / Tokyo (Japan) |
8 | Keiko Nakai | Extended Application od Dried Blood Spot (DBS) for Drug Development -Why you should use DBS- | Symposium 11 / 28th Annual meeting on the Japanses Sosiety for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) | Oct. 2013 / Tokyo (Japan) |
9 | Nobuhiro kobayashi | Our Approach for Quantitative Metabolite Assessments According to MIST Guidance | Symposium 11 / 28th Annual meeting on the Japanses Sosiety for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) | Oct. 2013 / Tokyo (Japan) |
10 | Noriko Katori | 日本における規制バイオアナリシスの進展と研究班の役割 (Japanese) | JBF Session / Biomedical Analytical Sciences (BMAS) 2014 | Aug. 2014 / Tokyo (Japan) |
11 | Takahiro Nakamura | リガンド結合法を用いた生体試料中濃度分析法のバリデーションに関するガイドラインの概要 (Japanese) | JBF Session / Biomedical Analytical Sciences (BMAS) 2014 | Aug. 2014 / Tokyo (Japan) |
12 | Shinobu Kudo | グローバルバイオアナリシスコンソーシアムの活動 (Japanese) | JBF Session / Biomedical Analytical Sciences (BMAS) 2014 | Aug. 2014 / Tokyo (Japan) |
13 | Takahiro Nakamura | リガンド結合法を用いた生体試料中薬物濃度分析法のバリデーションに関するガイドラインの概要と実際の測定 (Japanese) | 18th Seminor on Japansese Drug Metabolism Discussion Group | Aug. 2014 / Tokyo (Japan) |
14 | Takahiro Nakamura | LBAと質量分析装置をバイオ医薬品開発に活かすために (Japansese) | 1st JBF-SCIEX Joint Webinar | Oct. 2015 / Web |
15 | Makoto Niwa | Session: Tiered Approaches to Bioanalytical Validation: Current Practice and Stakeholder Issues Title:JBF (Japan Bioanalysis Forum) Position: Feedback from Discussion Group Activities |
AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition 2015 | Oct. 2015 / USA |
16 | Yoshihisa Sano | Tiered Approach to Metabolite Quantification: An Outcome from JBF Discussion Group | 8th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2015 / Barcelona (Spain) |
17 | Takumi Noda | 分析法の構築~バイオアナリシスにおける困ったときの事例集~(JBF DG2014-07より)(Japanese) | 1st JBF-Thermo Fisher Scientific Joint Webinar | Nov. 2015 / Web |
18 | Takumi Noda | 分析法の構築~JBFディスカッショングループ活動(DG2014-07)より~ (Japanese) | Luncheon Seminar / 30th Annual meeting on the Japanses Sosiety for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) | Nov. 2015 / Tokyo (Japan) |
19 | Eitaro Namba et al | マイクロサンプリングの実施状況に関するアンケート結果(バイオアナリシス・フォーラム,DG2015-17による調査)(Japanese) | The 43th Annual Meeting of the Japansese Society of Tokicology | June 2016 / Nagoya (Japan) |
20 | Eitaro Namba | 国内におけるマイクロサンプリングの実施状況と技術的課題 (Japanese) | Symposium 1 / 31th Annual meeting on the Japanses Sosiety for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) | Oct. 2016 / Matsumoto (Japan) |
21 | Junji Komaba | Regulatory Challenges Related to Bioanalysis in Global Filings: From a JBF Perspective | 2016 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition | Nov. 2016 / Denver (USA) |
22 | Yoshiaki Ohtsu | Scientific Validation: Feedback from JBF Discussion Group | 9th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2016 / Barcelona (Spain) |
23 | Harue Igarashi | Recommendation for alternative matrix in the quantitative assay method of endogenous substance in biological samples - Selection and evaluation of appropriate matrix - by JBF discussion group (DG2015-15) | Poster / 9th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2016 / Barcelona (Spain) |
24 | Akira Wakamatsu | Recommendation for alternative matrix in the quantitative assay method of endogenous substance in biological samples - Selection and evaluation of appropriate matrix - by JBF discussion group (DG2015-15) | Poster / 9th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2016 / Barcelona (Spain) |
25 | Katsunori Ieki et al | 医薬品開発におけるマイクロサンプリングにおける技術的課題と対策について(JBF DG2016‐21研究活動結果報告より)(Japanese) | Biomedical Analytical Sciences (BMAS) 2017 | Oct. 2017 / Tokyo (Japan) |
26 | Nozomu Koseki | Scientific Validationについて考える―[JBF DG活動の成果]― (Japanese) | Biomedical Analytical Sciences (BMAS) 2017 | Oct. 2017 / Tokyo (Japan) |
27 | Yutaka Yasuda et al | In vitro薬物動態試験における薬物濃度測定へのScientific Validation概念の応用検討 (Japanese) | Poster / 32th Annual meeting on the Japanses Sosiety for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) | Nov. 2017 / Tokyo (Japan) |
28 | Yukari Tanaka et al | イメージング質量分析の創薬研究への活用 (Japanese) | 32th Annual meeting on the Japanses Sosiety for the Study of Xenobiotics (JSSX) | Nov. 2017 / Tokyo (Japan) |
29 | Kozo Omichi et al | マイクロサンプリングの技術的課題とその対策(JBF DG2016‐21によるアンケート調査及び文献調査より)(Japanese) | The 44th Annual Meeting of the Japansese Society of Tokicology | July 2017 / Yokohama (Japan) |
30 | Yoshiaki Ohtsu | Stability Assessments (including Co‐dosed Medication, Blood stability, and Tube number) | AAPS/EBF/JBF joint ICH M10 Workshop | Sep. 2017 / Weehauken, NJ (USA) |
31 | Hisanori Hara | ICH M10 Harmonization: JBF point of view for general topics | AAPS/EBF/JBF joint ICH M10 Workshop | Sep. 2017 / Lisbon (Portugal) |
32 | Hisanori Hara | ICH M10 Harmonization: JBF point of view for chromatographic assays | AAPS/EBF/JBF joint ICH M10 Workshop | Sep. 2017 / Lisbon (Portugal) |
33 | Masanari Mabuchi | Relationship between Pharma and CRO in method development and transfer – based on the survey by JBF Discussion Group | 10th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2017 / Barcelona (Spain) |
34 | Yoichiro Nihashi et al | Current Situation of Microsampling in Japan: Report from the Japan Bioanalysis Forum Discussion Group | 10th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2017 / Barcelona (Spain) |
35 | Yoichiro Nihashi et al | マイクロサンプリングに関わるトキシコキネティクス評価の分析技術における課題(JBF DG2017-29研究活動結果報告より)(Japanese) | The 45th Annual Meeting of the Japansese Society of Tokicology | July 2018 / Osaka (Japan) |
36 | Yoshinobu Yokota | Recommendations for regulated biomarker analysis using LBA kits | 11th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2018 / Barcelona (Spain) |
37 | Asako Uchiyama | Understanding the issues in qPCR bioanalysis before planning validation | 11th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2018 / Barcelona (Spain) |
38 | Yoshiaki Ohtsu | Biomarker calibration standards in ligand binding assays: Feedback from JBF | 11th EBF Open Symposium | Nov. 2018 / Barcelona (Spain) |
39 | Masanari Mabuchi | Consideration from JBF for general requirements (with focus on Chromatographic assays) |
EBF Spring Focus Workshop | May 2019 / Barcelona (Spain) |
40 | Masanari Mabuchi | Consideration from JBF for requirements specific to chromatographic assays | EBF Spring Focus Workshop | May 2019 / Barcelona (Spain) |
41 | Steering Committee of the Japan Bioanalysis Forum | JBF Feedback | AAPS ICH M10 Public Consultation Workshop | June 2019/Silver Spring, MD(USA) |
42 | Takeru Yamaguchi | ICH-M10:JBF Workshop Report-Consideration from JBF | 12th EBF Open Symposium | Nov 2019 / Barcelona (Spain) |