JBF Symposium
15th JBF Symposium【Event site is here】
14th JBF Symposium【Online event site is here】
The 14th JBF Symposium was held at Tower Hall Funabori and online from March 1st to 3rd, 2023. Thank you for participating in the large number (approximately 360 people).
13th JBF Symposium
13th JBF Symposium will be held on the web only from 28-Feb-2022 to 2-Mar-2022, here. It will be not held at AKURIE HIMEJI.
The 13th JBF symposium will be held at AKURIE HIMEJI (Himeji city. Hyogo) from Feb 28 to Mar 2, 2022
Depending on the situation of COVID-19, this symposium may be held on the web.
Information will be updated on this web site as needed.
We are moving forward with preparing and hope to see you there.
Yumi Nishiguchi (CMIC Pharma Science Co., Ltd.)
Takeru Yamaguchi (Sumika Chemical Analysis Service, Ltd.)
12th JBF Symposium
The 12th JBF symposium was held by only virtual meeting on March.9-11, 2021.
Thank you very much for your great contribution and support.
The 12th JBF Symposium
Chair Hitoshi Uchiyama [Towa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.]
Vice Chair Takeru Yamaguchi [Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.]
12th JBF Symposium
The 12th JBF symposium (March.9-11, 2021) will be held by only virtual meeting, not held on-site (Tower Hall Funabori). here
Poster award
The winner of the poster award is listed below.
Poster No.3. [Development of “NA Metabolite Analyzer” for metabolite identification tool of oligonucleotide therapeutics] The presentation material is here.
We appreciate your active participation so much.
11th JBF Symposium
~11th JBF Symposium poster presentations are posted~2020/04/27
Poster presentations of 11th JBF symposium are posted.
The winner of the poster awards are listed below.
Young Scientist Award :Poster No.15. [Development of Quantitative Method for Apolipoprotein E Isoforms in Human Serum by HRAM-LC-MS/MS]
Innovative Scientist Award :Poster No.26. [Quantification of unbound soluble antigen in the presence of therapeutic antibody]
Good Collaboration Award :Poster No.4. [Highly sensitive detection of single-domain antibody using grating-coupled surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (GC-SPFS)]
We appreciate your active participation so much.
~Update 11th JBF Symposium oral presentation materials~2020/04/27
The oral presentation materials in 11th JBF symposium were updated
11th JBF Symposium2020/04/06
The 11th JBF symposium was held online on 24-26 March 2020.
Cancelation of 11th JBF symposium 2020/02/21
Considering the outbreak of coronavirus infection, JBF decided to cancel the 11th JBF symposium
The abstract has been updated.
Greetings from Chair of 11th JBF symposium
10th JBF Symposium
10th Symposium was held on February 12 - 14, 2019.
Please see the presentation materials and posters.

9th Symposium
9th Symposium was held on February 6 - 8, 2018.
Please see the presentation materials and posters.