11th JBF Symposium
~11th JBF Symposium poster presentations are posted~2020/04/27
Poster presentations of 11th JBF symposium are posted.
The winner of the poster awards are listed below.
Young Scientist Award :Poster No.15. [Development of Quantitative Method for Apolipoprotein E Isoforms in Human Serum by HRAM-LC-MS/MS]
Innovative Scientist Award :Poster No.26. [Quantification of unbound soluble antigen in the presence of therapeutic antibody]
Good Collaboration Award :Poster No.4. [Highly sensitive detection of single-domain antibody using grating-coupled surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (GC-SPFS)]
We appreciate your active participation so much.
~Update 11th JBF Symposium oral presentation materials~2020/04/27
The oral presentation materials in 11th JBF symposium were updated
11th JBF Symposium2020/04/06
The 11th JBF symposium was held online on 24-26 March 2020.
Cancelation of 11th JBF symposium 2020/02/21
Considering the outbreak of coronavirus infection, JBF decided to cancel the 11th JBF symposium
The abstract has been updated.
Greetings from Chair of 11th JBF symposium
Mail to : jbf.office1@gmail.com